Save the Children Country Director bids farewell

Heather Campbell, the departing Country Director of Save the Children International in Sierra Leone, bids farewell to Francis Kai-Kai, Minister of Planning and Economic Development on Monday 13 December

Heather Campbell has spent the last four to five years in Sierra Leone.

She praised Sierra Leone’s achievements, particularly in good governance and socio-economic transformation, noting that the country was a land of opportunities and that she was confident President Julius Maada Bio’s administration would continue to seize them, adding that Sierra Leone was on the right track to achieving the SDGs.

She praised Save the Children’s current collaboration with Sierra Leone, notably in the education sector.

Minister KaiKai commended Save the Children’s contribution to the development of the country. He said that he appreciated their continued effort to support government initiatives.

“We are grateful to Save the Children for the good work they continue to do in Sierra Leone. We have been working very closely and collaborated greatly to foster the development aspirations of this government and we are confident that we would continue to work closely with your successor”, Dr. Kai-Kai asserted.

The Minister encouraged Save the Children Country Director to include the District Development Coordination Committee concept in the handing over notes to the incoming Save the Children Country Director, noting they always wanted to ensure there was strong coordination at the district level.


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