SLCB presents over Le 20 billion profit to Government

Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Limited (SLCB) presented President Bio with a dividend of twenty billion, two hundred and ninety million, seven hundred and twenty-five thousand Leones (20,290,725,000) at the State House in Freetown on Thursday, December 2, 2021. This presentation is the outcome of another successful business year, despite the significant budgetary constraints posed by COVID 19.

SLCB Acting Managing Director, Bockarie Kalokoh, stated at the presentation of the cheque to President Bio, that the bank has performed extremely well over the years.

Notwithstanding a highly competitive climate, he claimed that they possess assets worth Le2.6 trillion and have a 20% market share.

SLCB Board Chairman, Dr. J. D. Rogers gave a rundown of the key indicators why SLCB remains at the top with the largest customer base and highest deposits.

President Bio impressed the management that they can only succeed when they come together. He urged Board and Management to step up.

He thanked the Board and l Management for the dividend, noting that, “This shows that we Sierra Leoneans are performers.” He heaped praises on the NASSIT Director-General and all stakeholders for competently managing the affairs of SLCB.

The Team was led by the Minister of Finance, Dennis K. Vandi, and Financial Secretary, Sahr Jusu. SLCB, a bank that is hundred percent own by the government and the people of Sierra Leone has started paying dividends to the government in the past two years now.

This is a clear manifestation that the bank is still in good shape under the distinguished leadership of the Acting Managing Director, Bockarie Kalokoh, and his team comprising of the Board of Directors, Management, and staff. A team that is very determined to do all their best to maintain the top spot in the banking industry.

SLCB has the largest customer base and its operations are spread out across the country leveraging on its assets for profitability.

The Bank remains an undisputed leader in the industry with innovative, customer-centric products as well as a bank with the highest branches across the country. They brought banking services to the doorstep of its customers with the introduction of ‘Mi Yone Teller’ and ‘Mi Yone Kiosk’ products.


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