President Xi Jinping Special Rep discusses Advances Cooperation with President Bio

Yang Jiechi, Special Representative of President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China, led a high-level team to meet President Bio, to discuss developing collaboration, and communicate Beijing’s goodwill.

.Yang, who is the Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, also extended warm regards from his government, saying that Sierra Leone and China continued to support each other in their respective scopes and interests. He cited some of their key interventions in the country’s national development, especially with the recent Coronavirus pandemic that was still ravaging economies of the world.

He noted that even in those difficult times, the two countries had built stronger diplomatic and bilateral relations, which were meant to advance cooperation.

He said China commended and admired President Julius Maada Bio’s efforts at national developments, despite the devastating effect of the Coronavirus disease, adding that the two countries would fight the disease together in solidarity to achieve economic recovery.

“I am here in Sierra Leone at this time to convey the warm goodwill of President Xi Jinping and the people of the People’s Republic of China to Your Excellency President Julius Maada Bio and the people of Sierra Leone and to further advance the work of our bilateral relations. China is ready to further enhance and promote the high level of political trust between our two countries,” he ended.

In a brief statement, the President welcomed the delegation and extended fraternal greetings to his colleague, President Xi Jinping, whom he said was leading China to a phenomenal growth trajectory.

The President noted that China had also contributed significantly to the advancement of world peace, international justice and had extended their experience and wealth to many nations of the world, adding that the 50 years of diplomatic relationship between Sierra Leone and China had been impactful for the two nations and mutually beneficial.

“We want to further deepen and escalate this relationship for the benefit of our two countries. China is a reliable friend and brother. Sierra Leone will continue to support China in the international space. On that note, let me use this opportunity to welcome you and wish you all the best,” he concluded.


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