More Power More Responsibility- Metro Police

Superintendent Mohamed I Mansaray- Media One

Superintendent Mohamed I Mansaray, the chief of the Media Freetown Metropolitan Police, stated that they are supercharged in their duties. He added that the recent promotion of 85 officers is a morale booster since it “improves efficacy and efficiency, which supports service delivery…”

He explained that prior to the promotion the morale has been a bit low within the Metro police since the last promotion, which was done 1O years ago in 2O11 under the then Mayor Sam Franklyn Bode Gibson.

Superintendent Mansaray explained that 5O constables were promoted to the rank of sergeant, 14 sergeants promoted to the rank of inspector, 8 inspectors promoted to ASP, 8 ASP promoted to the rank of superintendent, and 3 superintendents promoted to the rank of chief superintendent, one as deputy commissioner and another as commissioner.

“This promotion will keep us alert because they want us to achieve more because the tremendous power comes with great responsibility.” Adding that this is also a source of incentive for those who were not promoted because they will realize that you don’t have to wait for centuries to get promoted if you put in the work.”

He further revealed that, in addition to the promotion, the Metro police department has recruited 5O recruits to its existing force. “Because Freetown is so huge, the Metro police force needs more employees to cover its territory.” We want our presence to be noticed because we believe it would help reduce crime.”

He did remark, however, that “we cannot perform our work successfully without the presence of the police, since we exist under the Sierra Leone Police Act, section 18 of the Police Act of 1964 provides us the ability to exist as a force, but our powers are super-luminary power, which is restricted.” Our bylaws are strictly summary responsibility violations.”


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