Gov’t hails customs officers over huge revenue collection

Satisfied customers of the National Revenue Authority’s Customs Department have heaped praise on Commissioner James Bio and his staff for what they called a very efficient job in facilitating the smooth clearing of their goods from the Queen Elizabeth II Quay.

Equally praised is the security staff at the quay that is commended for ensuring the M rampant theft undetected of goods in containers and inside vehicles at the quay is now a thing of the past. Combined, the Sierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA) and the NRA Customs Department breed the bulk of internally generated revenue M that the government depends on to provide the basic goods and services that its citizens require.

The Customs Department is geared towards supporting government reforms in improving doing business experience in Sierra Leone.

In the progression of Customs modernization, NRA’s focus on Trade Facilitation and Border Controls denotes a shift in Customs focus on revenue generation proper to border controls and trade facilitation.

The Department maintains an integral role in facilitating the free movement of persons and goods across the country’s frontiers with emphasis on the turnaround time and client experiences and border controls.

Undergoing constant reforms to improve performance, Customs in terms of Revenue Administration uses various tax handles to ensure fair assessment, collection, and accounting. They facilitate trade through the introduction of a risk management approach in processes, and a fast-track regime for compliant businesses.

In terms of border control, customs, through diligently inspecting inbound cargo, ensures that restricted and/or prohibited imports do not enter the country. They were responsible for the recent detection of arms, ammunition, and military uniforms.

Customs also captures trade statistics and maintains a database on import and export transactions.

SLPA in complementing the work of NRA’s Customs Department has looked at and reviewed existing strategies to improve efficiency and productivity in the operations of the Port.

SLPA General Manager, Dr. Abdulai Fofana, ably assisted by Deputy Yakuba Askia Bio, disclosed that management has increased the authority’s dollar account by 150% and the Leone account has jumped by 40%. He said management, in rebranding the authority’s corporate image, overhauled the model of doing business and restored its credibility and effectiveness in doing business. It has undertaken several projects, including:
• Strengthening of security and intelligence units, thereby reducing crime within the premises of the Authority through training of personnel and provision of relevant security equipment, including the International Port Security Facility instrument;
• Increasing the economic standing of the authority by frustrating corrupt practices;
• Reduced input waste;
• Introduced 24/7 anchorage to support Saturday Customs and NRA Clearance Procedures;
• Phenomenal facelift on port infrastructure, including the Administrative Building;
• Job Creation in Social Services;
• Strengthened relationships with partners in the maritime industry;
• Introducing a Quality Assurance Unit that has improved service delivery;
• Introduced managerial models that now facilitate inter-departmental interactions, build synergy in programs, and enhance cohesion among departments.

Dr. Fofana emphasized that his management would continue to make the Freetown Port easy to do business in, consolidate improvement in the security sector, increase quality network with external and professional partners in the marine industry, and introduce systems that would harmonize the work of the Authority in a gainful way.


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