German Africa Prize 2024 Awarded to Sierra Leone Politician


Mayor of the Municipality of Freetown in Sierra Leone, Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, has been described as a powerful woman who has improved her city in many ways and made it a pioneer in several areas, according to the German Africa Foundation who describes her as an “inspiration.”

it said in just six years, she had introduced models of sustainability to Sierra Leone´s capital.

“The Sierra Leonean capital now boasts a liquid waste processing system, with 160 water storage tanks and rainwater collection systems installed. Extensive flood protection measures have also been implemented. Waste from toilets is converted into compost, biogas and heating briquettes. These measures also help protect forests, as fewer trees need to be cut down for cooking fuel. 

“Freetown’s water supply has also seen lasting improvements. Water kiosks, equipped with solar-powered purification systems, now provide many communities with access to clean water for the first time. This initiative not only empowers young women by giving them the opportunity to run their own businesses through the kiosks, but it also reduces their risk of falling victim to sexual assault while collecting water,”mit said.

Vision of a ‘capital worth living in’

Remarkable, impressive, and deserving of an award — that’s the judgment of the German Africa Foundation (DAS). For this reason, they are awarding Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr the 2024 German Africa Prize for her commitment to sustainable urban development and local participation. Her dedication is described as unwavering. Step by step she has implemented her “vision of a just, sustainable city worth living in”. The mayor’s efforts exceed what her office requires of her by far, says the independent foundation.

People on the streets in Freetown. A woman carries apples on her head.
Sierra Leone has made huge strides in embracing sustainable urban development projectsImage: Seth/Xinhuapicture alliance

Aki-Sawyerr was born in Sierra Leone and lived in Ghana, among other places before returning to Sierra Leone. After completing her studies, the 56-year-old spent over 25 years working as a financial expert and auditor in London. Her involvement in Sierra Leone’s public sector began with her commitment during the 2014-2015 Ebola epidemic. In June 2023; the popular politician was reelected for a second term.


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