Freetown Rotary Club hands over refurbished library to Rokel School

12 years ago the Freetown Rotary Club decided to renovate the Government Rokel Secondary School’s library which was in a deplorable state. On Friday, the newly refurbished structure was handed over to the school authorities.

Rotarian Sheila John, who identified the project, explained that the project started some 11 or 12 years ago “when I was president of this club. She explained that as the HR Manager of a Bank, the premises were hired to conduct a recruitment exam”, however, the school structures were in a terrible state.

So she decided to inculcate the renovation of the library as one of Rotary’s projects. “We started the fundraising by issuing dash-cards. For most of our projects, we partner with other clubs in other countries and I said to myself, let us make these 100% Rotary Club of Freetown projects.”

“We struggled to raise the funds. Presidents came and left, yet the project continues and after 12 years, it has now come to fusion,” she said.

Rotarian Sheila John also that Rotary has renovated the roof of the school’s hall and provided scholarships to three pupils. “We now have a long-standing partnership with the Rokel Secondary School and hopefully it would continue.” According to Rotarian Sheila John, “none of us attended the Rokel Secondary School, we have not supported the school, which we’ve attended, but out of the kindness of our heart we have selected a school which we believe was in dire need,” she said.

Rotarian Sylvia Bailor said the project has been challenging due to funding, but Rotary is about service above self. However, she encouraged the pupils “You have to look after the books and take advantage of what has been provided for you. We have refurbished the library, we are now providing the tools that you need that would enable you to learn when you come to school if you don’t have the facilities immediately.” “I am appealing to you to take advantage of the service that we are providing,” she implored.

President of the Freetown Rotary Club, Alpha O Tejan Jalloh explained that the Freetown Rotary Club is a non-tribal, non-religious and non-political humanitarian organization whose mantra is enshrined in the principle of service before self and it is all voluntary.

“We have seven areas of focus and one of them is to educate people to fight illiteracy and also to impart knowledge,” he said.

The president also emphasized that Education is key. “If you are educated you will become useful to yourself and your society, it gives one self-pride.”

He added that another area of focus is peace and conflict, “you have to be law-abiding. You need to avoid conflict, ” he encouraged the pupils to inculcate a sense of being law-abiding.

“We are going to adopt this school and we would be keeping an eye on you. If you are law-abiding you will receive all that we’ve promised you,” he assured the pupils.

Receiving the refurbished library, the Junior Secondary School Principal, Frederick O Jones said, “this is a very good support to the government’s free quality education.”

He added, “You’ve replaced all the old books with the new and recent textbooks, it is now left with the pupils to make use of the library.”

“The library should be your friend. Using the library will help you to attain quality education” and not truancy, Principal Jones advised.


















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