DSTV donates 35O bags of rice for fire victims relations

Honorary Chief Bambamoi Adonis Abboud has presented 35O bags of 25kg rice to the Director-General of the National Disaster Management Agency, Lt. General (Rtd.) Brima Bureh Sesay.

The gift was made on Thursday, November 18, 2021, at the NDMA’s Aberdeen Road Office on behalf of Multi-Choice and DSTV for the grieving relatives of the Wellington gas truck fire explosion victims.

According to the Hon. PC, “the majority of those who lost their lives were breadwinners, and such loss has caused unimaginable agony to some of the victims’ families.” “We are losing more of the people admitted to the hospital,” he said, “but we pray that those who remain will survive.”

Upon receiving the consignment, the Director-General of the NDMA stated that they are grateful for the assistance, despite the fact that the assistance is for something that is unfavorable to the country.

He stated that Adonis Abooud is a household name known for his contributions to the country.

“What you have contributed will be used for its intended purpose,” stated NDMA Director-General, “we are now performing the registration of the beneficiaries until that process is done before we will roll out what they will get since we do not want to offer help to the wrong individuals.”

He stated that they have received assistance from both within and outside of Sierra Leone, including medical supplies, medical specialists, and food.

He said they have been receiving support from inside and out, all parts of the process of Sierra Leone ranging from medical items, medical experts, and food items. We\ve receive medical experts from Senegal, Italy, Liberia they are all parts of the process in trying to keep those admitted alive, while we will provide some succor to the families that have lost loved ones.

He said the agency is a creation by President Bio. He said this was part of his manifesto promise to separate the disaster agency from the Office of National security by creating the NDMA. So that the ONS concatenate on national security issues, while the NDMA concentrates on disaster issues. “Today, people are seeing the fruitfulness of that wisdom by the president” When the disaster occurred in that evening the role we played in coordinating the actions of all the supporting elements, the first responders were done extremely well; because we had two petrol stations that were filled to the brim with fuel products, however, we were able to professionally prevent those ones to impact the inferno.   


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