Class of 2001 donation to Law School wowed CJ

The Sierra Leone Law School has produced outstanding attorneys, while the profession thrives, the school struggles to cover its basic needs.

However, in order to mark their 20th graduation, anniversary, the Class of 2001 has made a jaw-dropping novel donation to the school since its inception in the ’90s.

The donated items, which comprise two 50-inch LED screens, five jumbo fans, and two office cabinets, were presented to the Chief Justice, Desmond Babatunde Edwards, by the Solicitor General, Mohamed Lamin Tarawalley, and Hon. Justice Aiah Simeon Allieu, on behalf of the Class of 2001. 

The Solicitor General noted that as a show of appreciation to the Law School they decided to bring forth this little token, because “we are not what we are had it not being for the Law School.” 

He explained that they are aware that the Law School is constrained, noting that he is very well aware that these items donated to the school will go a long way, because “these are the most immediate things the Law School needed, especially so going to the next academic year which would commence by next month.” 

“We intend to do more this is just a tip of the iceberg and a show of willingness…” to capacitate the school, he said. 

Hon. Justice Aiah maintained that this is the start of a long process. “We want to set a precedent which we believe others will have to follow, and we believe that if this precedent is followed by other Class, we believe that this Law School at the end of the day will not suffer they would have the needed things required because it would now be on competitive bases…”

He also thanked the CJ for his relentless effort over the period of time he took over the chairmanship of counsel and the Law School as well.     

Receiving the items the Hon. Chief Justice described the “gesture as mind-blowing” “You’re starting something new, it has never happened in the Law School as far as I know, and on that note, I wish to register my appreciation for you doing this gesture. This all too good for the law school and you’ve been very first to do it.”

The CJ added, “I am now 31 years from the call, that is 1990 to now just a few days after today it would be my 31st anniversary, but we never did this,” the Chief Justice confessed.

He further disclosed that in spite of having 3 supreme court judges, and had other high court judges and an Attorney General of no mean repute in the person of Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, they have never made such selfless gestures. 

“Words would be short for me to express how appreciative we are of such gesture… They are just five jumbo fans two cabinets and two LED screens but they cost money and it is money from your pocket.” 

The CJ jokingly added, “I know some of you among this lot are very stingy… but the heart was there to give.”

He pointed out that “if all members of each class come out and do this, the law school will not be short of equipment and gadgets and all the things that they need to run an effective and efficient law school.” 

Lawyer Rhonda Sufian Kargbo of Class 2001 explained that on October 25th, this year, Class 2001 marked its 20-year anniversary, “so, we decided that we needed to celebrate this milestone. We thought of ways of commemorating this event and one of the unanimous decisions of the group was to give back to our alma mater, the Sierra Leone Law School. ”

She further explained that the first thought was Fourah Bay College “but then not all of us went to Fourah Bay College, so we decided to give back to the institution that actually made us what we are today, noble members of the legal profession…” 

Rhonda explained that the donation is part of their activities lined up to celebrate this milestone event in their careers.” 

She said, “this is actually the first ‘primus inter pares’ public event we are doing. We are hoping to carry out a few more. ” Rhonda also noted that the needs are many and that “we wanted to do much more, but this is just the start, and we are hoping other members of the profession and alumni of the school emulate what we have done.” 


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