Fisher gives stern warning to lawyers

Hon. Justice Adrian J. Fisher has sent a strong warning to legal representatives of all accused persons and the prosecution to desist forthwith from making any statement that will politicize the Court of Law.

“This is not the Court of Politics,” he warned, “we do not practice politics here.”

It follows a concern raised by ACC’s lead prosecutor, Calvint T Mantsebo who objected to the representation of Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara esq. as one of the legal representatives of Dr. Samura Kamara. He argued that J.F.K esq is a potential additional witness for the Prosecution.

Hon. Justice Fisher stood down to rule on whether it is legal, ethical, or moral for J.F.K to continue his representation or be restrained. After 15 Minutes, the Court resumed and the Judge ruled in favour of J.F.K, referencing the Sierra Leone Legal Practitioners Act No. 47 of 2000.


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