SLHC in London Mourns Sierra Leone Fire Victims

In observance of President Bio’s declaration of three days of national mourning in honour of women and men who perished or sustained injured at the Wellington inferno on Friday, 5 November 2021, the Sierra Leone High Commission in the United Kingdom, Great Britain, and Northern Ireland yesterday 9 November lowered the national flag draped at the chancery’s entrance to half-mast.

Under the High Commissioner’s orders and leadership, Dr. Morie Manyeh, the High Commission also organised a multi-faith prayer meeting within the chancery in honour of all the departed souls and the injured, as well as in support of the family members.

As the Foreign Office works to coordinate additional efforts with the proper channels in Freetown, “we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all Sierra Leoneans and Friends of Sierra Leone for the heartfelt outpouring of grief, and we look forward to organising a larger inter-faith prayer gathering to which we would like to invite everyone,”  he said.  Meanwhile, the High Commission is launching an electronic Book of Condolences on the SLHC Website, where anybody may sign to express their condolences. “We look forward to working together with the Sierra Leonean public and all friends of Sierra Leone, including governmental and non-governmental organisations in the UK, to do everything we can to help people in need,” he added.


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