NP certifies 136 on safety, customer care

The National Petroleum (NP) SL certified 136 pump attendants and station managers in Makeni and Bo on customer service and petroleum product safety over the weekend.

In the southern province, 48 pump attendants and station managers were accredited, 12 in the east, and 76 in the north and north west.

The award ceremony marked the conclusion of a two-day rigorous training of NP station workers across the nation that took place in November in the aftermath of last year’s catastrophic gas truck explosion in Wellington, on the outskirts of Sierra Leone’s capital, Freetown.

“The training is designed largely to develop their skill in terms of safety and dispensing services to clients and the general public,” said Saffia Gbamanja, NP’s Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) Manager.

Because petroleum products are very flammable, the HSSE manager also pointed out that front-line staff dealing with gas must have a high level of safety awareness. This is why there is an international safety regulation, he adds.

He claims that because these pump attendants have been taught and accredited to worldwide standards, they are now professionals. However, he emphasised to the attendants’ that the safety instruction, which included “no smoking at a gas station,” “no using mobile phones,” “keeping the engine running while pumping the gasoline,” and “keeping the engine running while pumping the gasoline” must be adhere to at all times.

“The certificate should represent how you behave,” said NP Finance Manager Saidu Mansaray, “since what you do is delicate and sensitive in supporting the smooth flow of public and private business and the livelihood of our community.”

He went on to say that the certificate is proof of their training, and that because they have been entrusted with such a large duty, it is required of them to carry out their responsibilities with care as professionals, as they are the face of NP.

“At the station, we require efficient and improved customer service, as well as efficiency in terms of station management, equipment, and the environment…”

Customer Care was added to the training by accident, according to the Sales Manager, Ing Vandy Bockkarie. He believes that understanding how to deal with consumers is critical for front-line walkers to keep them.

Kobi Walker, the company’s CEO, stated, “What we’re selling is the NP experience.” “What we’re selling is charisma… the first encounter with the pump attendant, her smile, and the way she treats you will make you want to return to our stations no matter how far away you are.”

“We have taught you on how to provide good customer service from entering to leaving our stations will be nothing but niceties and delight,” he continued.

Customer Care was added to the training by accident, according to the Sales Manager, Ing Vandy Bockkarie. He believes that understanding how to deal with consumers is critical for front-line walkers to keep them.

We also taught you how to operate the equipment because if the nooses break down frequently, it will cost money to replace them, which would effect your salary because the station owners are accountable for such repairs.

The CEO recommended them to work together as a team to help the attendants, retailers/resellers, and suppliers build their businesses. They were also cautioned against conspiring with others to steal from the station.

Kobi admitted that NP’s supply chain would be incomplete without frontline workers, which is why they must be empowered.

He added that the government chose to sell NP in 1996, and then-Secretary of State Julius Maada Bio urged that locals acquire it instead of international rivals. However, 35 Sierra Leoneans forewent personal gain to purchase the enterprise, which has since empowered a large number of Sierra Leoneans.


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