Mohamed Lamin Tarawalley esq newly appointed Attorney General and Minister of Justice

The newly appointed Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Mohamed Lamin Tarawalley Esq

In this history-making appointment, Mohamed Lamin Tarawalley proves to be the youngest Attorney General and Minister of Justice in Sierra Leone.

He was the former Solicitor General of Sierra Leone and is a barrister with over twenty years of practice.

This is a man who many believe to be firm yet disciplined, and who has over the years gained tremendous experience and respect in the legal profession. His appointment has been welcomed as a perfect pick for the AG’s office.

“I want to thank His Excellency the President for bestowing such confidence and trust in me”

In his response to this appointment, Lamin Tarawalley expressed his appreciation to His Excellency the President for bestowing such confidence and trust in him and his commitment to exercising his duties as the AG and Minister of Justice in the best interest of the country.

The newly appointed AG and Minister of Justice further stated that he would be a listening AG, noting his years of experience working at the Office of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice as Solicitor General with the two previous AG’s and that he is prepared to deliver.


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