SLCB unveils ‘PUT AM DAE’ promo winners

Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB), the most profitable and hundred percent Sierra Leonean-owned bank, has on Thursday, January 6, 2022, unveiled the two lucky winners of the bank’s “Leone Stars Cashbox Put Am Dae” promotion.

Sheku Patrick Koker and Kumba Fasuluku were the two lucky winners unveiled in a ceremony held at the Bank Head Office, Siaka Stevens Street in Freetown.

The bank was the first institution from both the public and private sectors to announce a cash sponsorship package of Le750M with SLFA.

The two extremely lucky winners from the grand raffle draw of the bank will board a plane to Cameroon to support Leone Stars with all expenses covered by the bank during their stay in the first round of play in the Afcon tournament.

Making a statement, SLCB Acting Managing Director, Bockarie Kalokoh reiterated that the bank heeded the clarion call of President Bio to support football in the country with the launch of the promotion and a cash sponsorship package to SLFA.


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