Sierra Leonean DV winner pursues the ‘American dream’ as New York Technology company owner

Alhaji Nyallay

Alhaji Nyallay, 32, won the DV “lottery” eight years ago, allowing him to relocate to America.
However, Nyallay’s life had been far from fortunate before this opportunity.

“I was born into a low-income household,” Nyallay explained of his background. Nyallay’s mother had to work long hours after his father died when he was just two years old to put food on the table in a country where more than half of the population lives below the poverty line.

“It became really difficult for my mother to raise my siblings and myself. I didn’t grow up with a strong feeling of “home.” “I was passed around among many family members, each contributing to my upbringing with their own set of ideals and beliefs,” he stated. “Going to school was sometimes quite difficult. It was often difficult to simply acquire something to eat.

So when he completed the requirements for the DV programme and won the lottery to come to America at the age of 24, he believed he had “won the jackpot.” And because he had no relatives in America, he made it on his own.

“Moving to America marked the start of a new chapter in my life.” I had left my entire family, said my final goodbyes to loved ones, and was now determined to make it in the new nation. “I was overwhelmed with excitement, social anxiety, and never-ending memories,” he explained.

“I was passed around among many family members,
each contributing to my upbringing
with their own set of ideals and beliefs”

Nyallay stated that he worked hard to realise his “American dream.” And it became a reality in January 2020, when he established IT @ Work Support LLC in New Brighton.

“I understood very well that trials are the cornerstone of success,” he explained. “This has developed my confidence with great ambition, thoughts, and goals… This is what kept me going toward my objective. “

Upon arriving in the United States, Nyallay said he wanted to further his education.

After settling in West Brighton, he worked as a security guard until he could complete his bachelor of science degree in computer information systems and computer science, which he earned at the College of Staten Island, Willowbrook. He also obtained a master’s degree in digital forensics and cybersecurity from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Manhattan.

With a lack of a support system in this country, Nyallay said he found “family” and mentors throughout his college experience.

“During this career path, I faced significant challenges. But I overcame them through focus, hard work, and perseverance. I became a treasurer of the United African Club, and later established a club in the information systems and informatics discipline at the College of Staten Island,” he said.

“I often spent most of my time with school work, and in every class I took, I made close friends and inspiring professors who contributed to motivating me and helping me bring out the best in everything I do,” Nyallay added, noting he was determined to succeed in the field of information technology (IT).

After graduating from college, Nyallay worked his way up the corporate ladder — first as a help desk support for a company. He later became an IT administrator and director of IT.

Soon after he launched his own company, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic forced many people to work remotely. He said he knew there would be a need for more IT professionals at this time, and that’s when his business immediately started to grow.

“I opened this business to help solve technical issues for residential homes and business offices. And to also make today’s technology more user-friendly, enjoyable, and convenient for everyone in a secure environment, ”he said.

Nyallay offers a broad range of services to his growing base of residential and commercial clients. His company’s services include computer support, such as upgrades to laptops and desktops and data retrieval and backup; cyber defense, from mitigating security issues in analyzing network infrastructure; smart home installations, and WIFI, network, ethernet, and audio installations.

“Based on customers’ reviews and services provided so far, the business is moving on the right trajectory toward success. I ensure that all customers are completely satisfied with the service. If they are not satisfied, I will do everything possible to make it right,” he said.


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