October 2023

Leone Rock Metal Group and Arise IIP to Compromise Over Railway Management

Efforts are being made by a team of Government Ministers to engage the managements of Leone Rock Metal Group LTD, formerly Kingho, and Arise IIP with a proposal that will lead to a compromise in favour of both companies regarding the management of the railway and port facilities. The companies, like any other investor seeking […]

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Win-Win Situation: Kingho to Manage Railway for Haulage and Arise IIP to Manage Passenger Rail

The government of Sierra Leone has hinted that an amicable way out of the current misunderstanding surrounding the management of the railway and port facilities in the north and northwest of the country must end in a win-win situation. The existing railway between the port of Pepel and the Marampa iron ore mine is currently

Win-Win Situation: Kingho to Manage Railway for Haulage and Arise IIP to Manage Passenger Rail Read More »

EU Election Observation Mission Final Report: My Initial Assessment

…the Report Did Not Say Anything New By Paul Baxter, Elections Expert I have just glanced through the final observation report that the European Union has issued, and indeed it makes an interesting reading. Here are my quick highlights: 1. The June 2023 multi-tier elections were generally calm and peaceful. This lends credence to Sierra

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Sierra Leone: Over 2,000 Girls Reintegrated to Formal Education

Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) with support from the United Nations Population Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and IrishAid has re-integrated two thousand and fifteen (2015) out-of-school girls into formal education from four districts in the country. In July 2023 UNFPA supported the Directorate of Non-Formal to identify 2,015 girls to return

Sierra Leone: Over 2,000 Girls Reintegrated to Formal Education Read More »

Post Elections Dialogue: Samura Kamara Worried Over Division In APC

Former Flagbearer of the opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) in Sierra Leone, Dr Samura Wilson Mathew Kamara, on Tuesday 3 October 2023 attempted to address the worrying post elections division in his All People’s Congress when he told his press conference that the APC needs to dialogue with President Julius Maada Bio and his Sierra

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