Visa Restrictions: America Is A Sovereign State…


America is a sovereign State, with full rights to determine their visa and immigration policies. They can choose to include anything in the mix of their discretions regarding who travels to the U.S.

If they have chosen to include elections, what’s there to worry about? In fact, we would love to have an engagement with the State Department to see how the visa restrictions regime could be expanded to include U.S.-based Sierra Leoneans whose activities have caused so much torment to Sierra Leone.

There are people in the diaspora who are fomenting anarchy with a purpose to safeguard their residency permits or securing asylum overseas. How can the U.S. government help to promote democracy in Sierra Leone by using residency and asylum as a check on such people is a discussion we look forward to.

In summary, nobody needs to worry about what the U.S. does regarding her visa policy; and we look forward to an opportunity to discuss how individuals’ behaviors regarding democracy promotion can be incentivized or de-incentivised using visa, residency and asylum.


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