Sierra Leone’s Public Transport and Road Safety Authorities to Improve Public Transportation with New Safety Legislation


The new legislation was being introduced to address critical road safety issues, including the increase of old vehicles, the use of substandard spare parts, and the problem of abandoned cars on highways

The Sierra Leone Public Transport Authority (SLPTA) and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA) have told journalists about their independent but similar efforts to enhance public transportation with the introduction of new safety legislation.

Isaac Ken-Green, Acting Director General of SLPTA, announced that the government’s Waka Fine Buses, which currently transport 21,000 passengers daily, were purchased and loaned to the Metro Company at a 50% discount and no interest.

The Metro Company, formed by members of the informal transport sector such as poda-poda, bus, and tricycle drivers, benefits from the newly established Public Transport Authority, which was enacted by Parliament in 2023 to regulate public transport services.

Rev. Smart Senesie, Executive Director of SLRSA, emphasised that the new legislation was being introduced to address critical road safety issues, including the increase of old vehicles, the use of substandard spare parts, and the problem of abandoned cars on highways.

“To improve road safety and reduce accidents, two highway management centres have been established at Mile 91 and Magburaka, offering emergency services to road users,” he said.

The SLRSA boss also confirmed that driving licenses were now available, ensuring that motorists comply with legal requirements.

These combined efforts from SLPTA and SLRSA aim to improve the quality and safety of public transportation, providing more reliable services while enhancing road safety across the country.


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