Sierra Leone’s Nyangai Island Is Disappearing

The forests are gone

The island of Nyangai off the coast of Sierra Leone is on the frontline of climate change. More frequent and intense weather has eroded Nyangai to a nubbin. But the crisis now unfolding on Nyangai is on a different scale. Over the past decade, the island has shrunk from roughly 2,300 feet long to just 560, according to The Atlantic.

Today, Nyangai is disappearing before their very eyes, swallowed up by the relentless sea. As recently as ten years ago, it still measured some 2,300 feet from end to end. this is according to a publication by NPR Network.

The forests are gone, swamped by saltwater. The soccer field lies underwater for 22 hours of the day. 

The once thriving Nyangai Island, home to Sierra Leone’s native 62-year-old Kpana Charlie, is quickly sinking into oblivion, with its size shrinking drastically to only a fraction of its former size


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