Sierra Leone receives 52,800 doses of Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine


The Government of Sierra Leone has on Wednesday, September 1, 2021, received 52, 800 doses of Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines by courtesy of the African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT), with support from other strategic partners. While receiving the new consignments, Solomon Jamiru Esq, the spokesperson of the National Covid-19 Emergency Response Center (NaCOVERC) on behalf of the Government and people of Sierra Leone express appreciation to the donors of the vaccines.  He further states that the vaccines received are very significant, as it could be recalled that the government has been making positive indications about diversifying the vaccine portfolio in the country. Earlier on they started off distributing the Synopharm from China and the Oxford AstraZeneca. “The country has seen significant appetite for vaccination, the uptake for the vaccines is high and having Johnson & Johnson is a step in the right direction to diversify the vaccine portfolio,” he stated. Jamiru Esq. ended his statement by saying thank you to AVAT, African Union (AU), Africa CDC, WHO, UNICEF, World Bank and Others.


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