SALONE EDITORIALS: Gento Will Save Freetown

Gento gbaingbain

One of the biggest events that occurred in the run-up to the 24 June 202 elections was the declaration of the well-known businessman Mohamed Gento Kamara to run for the office of Mayor of Freetown; under the ruling Sierra Leone’s People’s Party (SLPP).

In his own words, Gento as he is popularly known came to the decision to run for the office of Mayor following the wake of 10 August riots in Freetown; that its perpetuators dubiously called a demonstration.

Gento has said that he was deeply disturbed by the brazen and arrogant willingness of sections of the city’s population to destroy Freetown. His quest to become Mayor, therefore, is to re-orient all of the city’s population towards promoting an environment in which we all enjoy cohesion and public services.

Gento certainly has the credentials to warrant our trust that he can deliver what he has promised for Freetown.

Firstly, in the context of Sierra Leone, Gento is the only person since the country’s return to democracy that has entered politics as a known rich man. There can be no suspicion, therefore, that Gento Kamara wants to be Mayor of Freetown to enrich himself.

Second, as a businessman who employs thousands of workers, negotiates and structures financing schemes with banks and the central government and builds partnerships with international firms, it is obvious that Gento has the best practical managerial skills to successfully serve as Mayor of Freetown.

Third, Gento is a born and bred Freetonian who has consistently shown love for the city and the people. He has only Freetown and Sierra Leone as his Constituency. This fortune to have only Freetown and Sierra Leone as the place he calls home allows Gento to stay focused; and never indulge in double-speak for the convenience of other audiences; including Britain, TEDTalk, and donors.

Finally, Gento is a practical man who understands and pursues only results. If the endeavours of a leader do make to results-sense, any explanations about policy, inputs and such other useless jargons would be irrelevant to Gento. When he knows that culverts and drainages have to be cleared in the aftermath of flooding in the city, Gento does not take on to twitter to seek global attention. His first action would be to deploy excavators, dump trucks and labour.

Freetown needs a dramatic and almost magical fix. Who would deny that? After years of neglect, calumny, and insensitive politics in the city, Freetown is in coma; and recovering the city will be herculean.

It will certainly not be a day’s job. In Mohamed Gento Kamara, however, Freetonians now have the assurance that after five years, the city will show signs of a massive response to treatment. FREETOWN WILL BREATHE AGAIN  #GBAIN GBAIN.


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