Rokel Commercial Bank pays Le 6.2Bn dividend to Gov’t

Rokel Commercial Bank presented a dividend of Le 6.2 billion for the year ended 2020 to President Bio on Thursday 2nd December 2021.

Presenting the cheque at State House, the RCB Deputy Managing Director, Emmanuel Borbor, noted that this is the first time RCB is paying dividend to Government.

He reported that RCB in the 2019 and 2020 Financial Year made a profit of Le 79.4bn and Le83.5bn respectively.

Going forward, he said RCB was on the move to fully digitalize its operations to enable them to compete effectively in the market.

Borbor furthered that they are in the process of standardizing the operations of the bank in order to take their services to the doorsteps of Sierra Leoneans.

Their SIM-KORPOR product, he said, is all over the place. Their aim, he said, is to spread their branches countrywide.

Responding, President Bio said it is a pleasant feeling to know that our bank is now competing all over the financial spectrum.

Adding, “I am always happy to receive dividends.” However, he admonished the Bank to continue to work very hard and thanked the Management and Staff for the dividend.

Earlier, in presenting the Team to President Bio, Financial Secretary Sahr Jusu said the Government of Sierra Leone owns 65% shares in RCB.

Dennis K. Vandi of the Ministry of Finance was part of the entourage that made the presentation at State House.

The bank is considered as one of the fastest-growing banks with innovations to thrive locally and internationally to the expectation of its shareholders.


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