History was made on Saturday afternoon in Kenema city when Hon. Boston Munda formally opened his Constituency 021 office at 17 Mariana Street. Hundreds of mostly female Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) members and supporters in green-coloured Ashobie singing heartily were at the occasion.

Constituency Women’s Leader, Safiatu Kaisamba, recalled that when Hon. Munda was elected in 2018, he asked them to find a building to rent and to form a Women’s Wing.

Saturday’s colorful opening ceremony, which was graced by dignitaries including the SLPP District Chairman Agbao, the NATCOM DG, the CEO of Tandem Liber Holdings and Qommodity from Dubai, Edward Meijers who were the Guests of Honour added dignity to the occasion.

Guest of Honour, the CEO of Qommodity – Tandem Liber Holdings Edward Meijers, announced a generous pledge of Le1 billion as support to Sierra Leone social cause and Le200 million of that as microcredit for women of Constituency 021.

The indefatigable dynamic CEO Edward Meijers highlighted that he is businessman and not a politician. He stressed that they are here with a vision to help Sierra Leone transform into a modern country like Dubai which fifty years ago was highly underdeveloped.

CEO Meijers underscored that his friendship and brotherhood with Hon. Munda dates back to 2008 when Hon. Munda then working at ECOBANK handled the company, Qommodity – Tandem Liber Holdings, finances in Sierra Leone with utmost honesty and diligence.

He remarked on the fine hospitable quality of Sierra Leone. He stressed that he was supporting Hon. Munda’s cause as a philanthropist.

CEO Meijers maintained that he belongs to no political party. He said that his relationship with Hon. Munda stems from the invaluable financial services that Hon. Munda who he called a friend and brother has since they met performed excellently with no cause to complain of the company.

He disclosed that was the reason behind his willingness to donate generously to the appeal made to him by Hon. Munda for micro-credit support to the women’s wing of his Constituency 21 in Nongowa Chiefdom, Kenema City.

As a mark of appreciation, the Town Chief and the elders of Nongowa Chiefdom crowned CEO Edward Meijers as Chief Kinie Momoh Ngombulango III.

Friends of Hon. Munda donated traditionally woven country clothes gowns and gaps to the Qommodity – Tandem Liber Holdings delegation.

In his address to the gathering, Sierra Leonean-born Abdul Kamara, Qommodity Manager stated that their relationship with Hon. Munda has nothing to do with politics. He told the audience of the origin of his long-standing relationship with Hon. Munda has grown and become stronger over the years.

In his speech to the gathering as the guest of honor, CEO Meijers disclosed that he has been to Africa since 2008 is married to a black woman from Lesotho in East Africa, and lives, works, and will die here in Sierra Leone to loud applause from the audience.

In his vote of thanks, Hon. Munda thanked his constituency executive for working with him to make the program successful. He acknowledged his role as a lawmaker and exercised oversight to help President Bio bring development to his people.

The MP stressed that President Bio is very passionate about the development of women, whilst he reiterated the call for forgiveness and for all to work for the betterment of the constituency, the party, and the country. The ceremony was climaxed with singing, dancing and merriment.


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