President Bio Calls for Barrier-free Environment for PwDs

President Bio launched the Socioeconomic Empowerment Project for Persons Living with Disabilities, PwDs, today, Thursday, December 9, 2021, and unveiled the accessibility audit report, as well as calling for a barrier-free environment for the physically challenged. 

Eku Scotland, speaking on behalf of the PwDs, stated that disability issues were of great concern throughout the country since afflicted people were the most vulnerable and marginalised in their communities, adding that the livelihood initiative will alleviate poverty and inequality.

He said the initiative will create jobs for impoverished households by bringing them into long-term economic stability. “The organisation has established skills training centers across the country but more needed to be done to help PWDs realise their potentials in society,” he said.

“On behalf of persons with impairment, I want to use this opportunity to thank you and your government for the package for PWD. Had it not been for your intervention, livelihood would have been difficult for us during the lockdowns of the Coronavirus,” he concluded.

Dr. Babatunde Ahonsi, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Sierra Leone, complimented the government, particularly the Ministry of Social Welfare and the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities, for their dedication to tackling disability inclusion concerns and for organising the event.

He asserted that most people with disabilities in Sierra Leone are unrecognised, voiceless, uncounted, and unrepresented, and that they face discrimination and barriers in many spheres and stages of life, adding that people with disabilities are frequently excluded from access to the physical environment, information, and social networks in their daily lives.

The UN Secretary-General stated that the launch of the livelihood project was part of the UN Development Programme’s support to the Ministry of Social Welfare with life skills and start-up kits for economic empowerment and combating street begging among persons with disabilities, and that they had also provided start-up kits such as rickshaws, black smithery, tailoring, and bead making items for the economic empowerment of PwDs.

“The United Nations in Sierra Leone targets economically excluded and disadvantaged populations, including people with disabilities, through an integrated strategy that focuses on establishing an enabling legal, legislative, and social environment for efficient service delivery,” he said.

Minister of Social Welfare, Baindu Dassama, said it was important for authorities to listen to the concerns of people living with disabilities because they were the most neglected, and thanked the leadership of President Bio for his concerns with the PwDs since he assumed office in 2018.

In his statement,President Bio said the launch of the livelihood project was a sign of his government’s preparedness to address street begging among persons with disabilities and to improve the country’s human rights credentials by empowering vulnerable groups in the country.

He added that the launch of the accessibility audit report would also encourage stakeholders to support the government in building a barrier-free environment for persons with disabilities, saying that the Persons with Disability Act 2011 provided for a barrier-free environment for persons with disabilities.

“As part of the process of reducing vulnerability and tackling the menace of street begging among persons with disabilities, the Ministry of Social Welfare is working on this economic empowerment programme with the aim of building the capacity of persons with disabilities through skills training, provision of start-up kits, provision of reintegration package, provision of social safety net in the form of cash transfer among others to end street begging among persons with disabilities.

“The skills will include welding, tailoring, hairdressing, information and communication technology, carving, beadwork, gara tie-dying and tricycle riding,” he noted.

President Julius Maada Bio thanked international and local partners for their support, saying that his government was determined to end all forms of stigma and discrimination against persons with disabilities.

He cited the relevance of the radical inclusion in the Free Quality School Education, special needs teachers and learners and the provision of assistive devices and learning materials so that nobody would be denied access to education.

“This livelihood project will support persons with disabilities for economic empowerment and self-reliance. On that note, let me use this opportunity to launch the Socio-economic Empowerment for Persons with Disability. I thank you all,” he concluded.


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