OPINION: Is Freetown A Krio Colony? Asks Ibrahim Labor Fofana


The history of Freetown, has for a very long time, been told with lots of falsehood mainly out of ignorance and sometimes as a deliberate attempt by some people to distort the facts for a particular reason or reasons. Also, there are those who present a picture of Freetown based on misconceptions and assumptions passed on to them through public discussions not informed by truth, evidence, or data.

It is, therefore, not surprising that one former APC government functionary would make a video of herself calling on Krios to vote for Yvonne Aki Sawyer because according to her ‘Freetown is for Krios” and all Krios in Freetown must vote for Yvonne Aki-Sawyer whom she believes to be Krio. She even went on to say that Freetown is not for Limba and Fula but for Krio.

I will dilate on the ramifications of her statement later but let me first correct a widely held assumption and untruth. Freetown is not for Krios only. Before the settlement which later became known as Freetown was acquired, there were people who inhabited the area. There were Temnes, Bullom, Baga and others who lived around the coastal areas and a little inland of present-day Freetown. These people received those who were captured on the high seas and brought to what later became known as Freetown.  These Recaptives were not all Sierra Leoneans, there were other nationals from across Africa. They all however ended up in this melting pot later to be named Freetown where they co-existed with the early settlers. Later some freed slaves from England, America, Nova Scotia, etc joined them and what we now call Krio developed. So, for Nanette Thomas to say Freetown is for Krio is not only dishonest but is a clear manifestation of her ignorance. En e go college o.

Having said the above, I must admit that a lot of Sierra Leoneans, educated ones and the not-so-educated ones believe that Freetown is a Krio colony as the North is Temne territory and the South Mende kingdom. But this is not true. Freetown has never been wholly Krio and will never be. Freetown has always been a melting pot and will continue to be that.

However, the Krios had been for a very long time the most influential group of people in Freetown. They controlled the city’s administration, the judiciary, the civil service, the economy, the medical field, and everything in between. This was possible because they were the only ones with some amount of Western education. They kept it that way for a very long time and for obvious reasons. So, would it surprise you that all the Mayors of Freetown since then were Krios, with only one exception?

Another falsehood about Freetown and a misconception which has gained currency over time is the notion that only a Krio should be Mayor of Freetown. This is NOT true, and it is not a tradition. As stated earlier, the most educated residents of Freetown in the early years of the municipality were Krios so invariably the lot fell on them when it comes to electing Mayors.

Notwithstanding, we must remember that the city of Freetown (Western Area) is not like any other in the country. Unlike in the interior where we have chiefdoms, Paramount Chiefs and Ruling Houses, Freetown and the Western Area do not have these divisions. As such the Krios cannot claim sole right to the Mayorship of Freetown as it is an elective position by universal suffrage.

Interestingly many people believe that only Krios can be Mayor of Freetown. This is not so. Anybody can be Mayor of Freetown. John Ezzidio, the first Mayor of Freetown was a Recaptives from Nigeria. Siaka Stevens, who later became President of Sierra Leone, was Mayor of Freetown and he wasn’t Krio. With these two exceptions, all the other Mayors of Freetown are Krios. Interestingly also, all the Mayors of Freetown are Christians save one exception, Fatta Rahman who was Muslim. It is therefore a national service to correct some of these assumptions, untruths and sometimes deliberate lies about the history of Freetown.

Now let me address the ramifications of that unfortunate video of Nanette Thomas. Freetown has changed significantly from what it was when Nanette’s grandmother was selling ‘ogirie’ nar King Jimmy market.

Krio prominence has dwindled, more non-Krios have improved themselves, competed with Krios for positions and have supplanted them in all walks of life. Krio numbers is almost infinitesimal in the realm of Freetown politics. So, if Nanette’s Krio Fambul should listen to her and adhere to her warped political clarion call, no Krio will ever win anything that must be won through an election.

I don’t have the time to look at the last census figures and I am not sure it captured the ethnic spread/diversity of the Western Area, but I can bet my last dollar that if it did, Krios are outnumbered ten to one. In such a situation, Nanette’s misguided outburst is inimical to Yvonne’s campaign.

Additionally, non-Krio influence is on the rise in Freetown and in the country. The majority of small businesses are owned by non-Krios. Most big businesses are non-Krio, the medical, legal, engineering, teaching and all other professions are swamped by non-Krios. The Krios are no longer dominant in any sector. This is a result of the Krio style (to have fewer kids and small families) and the natural population dynamics in the country.

And by the way, is Nanette certain that Yvonne Morgan (now Aki-Sawyer) is really and truly Krio? Let us don’t get carried away and continue to think that anybody with a Western-style last name is Krio. That also is an assumption.

I have a friend called David Legg who most people believed to be Krio because of his name but he is not. He is Mende. There are many Sherbro and Mende people with Western last names who are perceived to be Krios but who are not. So, Nanette must not assume that a Morgan or a Sawyer is automatically Krio.

And again, Nanette Thomas must realize that at a time like this when many civil society groups are working overtime to ensure a peaceful election by preaching that we are all Sierra Leoneans, we are one people despite our diversity; an outburst such as hers have the tendency to stoke ethnic tension and anxiety.

The group of people we call Krio are now at risk of extinction. With intermarriages of all kinds now taking place in our country and compound names sprouting from all angles and of all shades, in the not-too-distant future typical Krio last names will become a thing of the past. Freetong don change, and all my Krio relatives can do is accept the change, live with it, glorify past Krio hegemony, and move on. Stoking Krio sentiments like Nanette did is a no-brainer.


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