NDMA’s Updates on Susan’s Bay Fire Incident


Directorate of Relief and Response of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) in collaboration with UNICEF, UNDP, FCC, CONCERN, SLRCS, CARITAS and the Sierra Leone Police has conducted a needs assessment and registration of the affected victims of the Susan’s Bay Fire Incident.


Director of Communications, Mohamed L. Bah, told journalists at the scene that the assessment and registration process was a critical component of the entire response circle.


“The assessment process will help the NDMA record credible data of the victims and share it with partners and enable them to prepare better with respect to the needs of the victims,” he said.


Director of Relief and Response, Sinneh Mansaray, encouraged local leaders, victims, and other community stakeholders to be vigilant in helping the Agency identify the actual victims. He warned that anybody caught trying to impersonate or giving wrong information would be handed over to the Police for investigation.


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