NACE-SL Joins TJNA at Alternative Mining Indaba In South Africa

Alternative Mining Indaba in SA

Coordinator of the National Advocacy Coalition on Extractives in Sierra Leone, NACE-SL, Cecilia Mattia, is attending the Alternative Mining Indaba, AMI, that started Monday 5th and will end on Wednesday 7th February 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa.

She joins the Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), her partners and sponsors for this trip, and other civil society activists, mining-affected communities, faith-based organizations, private sector and government representatives at the global event to discuss, debate, highlight and provide solidarity for those impacted and affected by extractives, especially mining.

This year’s theme is “Energy Transition Minerals: Putting Communities First for an Inclusive Feminist Future.” AMI 2024 is expected to build upon the resolution made during the 2023 AMI, which emphasised prioritising “people first, not profits.”

This signifies a firm dedication to fostering a genuinely human-centred society rooted in the fundamental values of sharing. Furthermore, the 2024 AMI is anticipated to address the issue of inclusivity positively and to firmly integrate the feminist agenda into the progressive discourse.

The NACE-SL Coordinator is expected to be part of a TJNA co-convened session with the Tax Justice Network (TJN) to discuss tax justice and the climate crisis in Africa’s resource-rich countries.

She says it will feature discussions on using tax as a tool for tackling inequality amid the climate crisis in Africa’s resource-rich countries by leveraging intergovernmental engagements on international taxation, regional integration, and cooperation.

This is through the domestication of the African Mining Vision and the African Continental Free Trade Area and creating a strategy for the future of minerals needed for the energy transition, she quoted TJNA as saying.  

TJNA’s Policy Officer, Mukupa Nsenduluka, and the Policy, Research, and Advocacy Manager, Isaac Danso Agyiri, will participate in the event program as follows.

On Tuesday 6th February, the panel discussed tax justice, and the climate crisis in Africa’s resource-rich countries. They also discussed the evolution of mining industry taxation towards a bold new future for African mining.

On Wednesday 7th February, they deliberated on the topic “African Green Minerals Strategy: A Game-Changer for Africa’s Minerals-based Industrialisation” at the Cape Town International Conference Center, the main venue for the AMI.


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