In Memory of Mrs. Rassie Bah: A Eulogy


By Chernor M. Jalloh

In the aftermath of Mrs. Rassie Bah’s passing, we are filled with profound sorrow. Affectionately known as the “Iron Lady,” Mrs. Bah served as the Deputy National Youth Leader of the Fullah Progressive Union (FPU), leaving an enduring impact on our community and Sierra Leone. Mrs. Bah epitomized strength, compassion, and dedication, her unwavering commitment to the FPU’s ideals inspiring generations.

As a staunch advocate for youth and women’s empowerment, her tireless efforts transcended our community, leaving a lasting imprint on Sierra Leonean politics and social development. In her role, she tirelessly worked to rejuvenate public service initiatives, embodying the spirit of service and selflessness.

In the solemn embrace of grief, we gather to honor Mrs. Rassie Bah’s memory. Through this eulogical poem, “Legacy of Light: A Tribute to Mrs. Rassie Bah,” we celebrate her life and her profound impact. Let us find solace in her memories and draw inspiration from her unwavering dedication to service and compassion. Mrs. Bah’s legacy will continue to illuminate our paths for generations to come.

As we bid farewell to Mrs. Rassie Bah, we reflect on her enduring legacy—a legacy of service and unwavering dedication. Though she may no longer be with us, her spirit will forever guide and inspire us. Let us honor her memory and continue the noble work to which she dedicated her life. May Allah grant her the highest stage of Jannah, where her spirit will shine brightly for all eternity. Amena Yaa Rabb!

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

(Verily, from Allah we came and to Him is our return).

Legacy of Light: A Tribute to Mrs. Rassie Bah

In the hushed whispers of mourning’s embrace,

We gather to honor a soul of grace.

With heavy hearts, we bid adieu,

To a luminary whose light still shines true.

Mrs. Rassie Bah, in your final flight,

You’ve left behind a beacon bright.

Your name etched in the annals of time,

A legacy of love, pure and prime.

As Deputy National Youth Leader, you stood tall,

A champion for justice, answering the call.

With courage unyielding, you led the way,

Guiding our hearts through night and day.

In the chambers of service, your voice rang clear,

Advocating for those whom others may fear.

You raised the banner of hope and strife,

Embodying the essence of a purposeful life.

Though tears may fall like rain in the night,

Your spirit soars on wings of light.

For in every heart you’ve touched and blessed,

Your memory lives on, forever at rest.

As we gather in sorrow, we also rejoice,

For your legacy echoes with a powerful voice.

May Allah grant you peace in the highest abode,

Where angels sing praises to the mercy of God.

Mrs. Rassie Bah, in your final departure,

You leave behind a legacy of love that endures.

Rest now, dear soul, in eternal embrace,

As we cherish the memories of your gentle grace.


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