Sierra Leone’s Draft Resolution on Child Sexual Exploitation

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First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Fatima Maada Bio, has introduced a Draft Resolution to Declare November 18 as the “World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence” at the UN General Assembly.


According to a press release from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United Nations, dated 7th November 2022, the United Nations General Assembly on that day adopted another groundbreaking resolution initiated by Sierra Leone in collaboration with Nigeria to declare November 18 the “World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence”.


At the heart of the resolution is the need, among other things, to establish and implement an annual universal mechanism to promote and reinforce greater awareness, commitment and responsibility of the world body, governments, international organizations and civil society toward safeguarding the dignity of children as well as ensuring their right to live free from violence and to end exploitation, abuse, trafficking, torture and all forms of violence and harmful practices against children.


Introducing the draft resolution at the UN General Assembly under agenda item 131 – “Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: Implementing a ZeroTolerance Policy”, Her Excellency Dr. Fatima Maada Bio conveyed a message of best wishes from His Excellency Brigadier (Rtd) Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, adding that her participation in the plenary meeting was a testament of the importance His Excellency President Maada Bio and his and Government attach to the concerns of women, children and the marginalized.


First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio who, since the assumption of office of President Bio, embarked upon the cause of protecting girls and vulnerable adolescents through her ‘Hands off our Girls’ flagship campaign, reminded the General Assembly that children, especially girls have continued to endure greater risk of the scourge of forced sex and sexual exploitation with all the related crimes ranging from abuse, violence to chronic and life-threatening diseases.


In thanking all the delegations that joined in the co-sponsorship of the draft resolution, and the entire General Assembly for the resounding adoption of the resolution, First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio called on the world body to mobilize the necessary political will and the provision of much-needed resources to address the menace and protect women and girls and other vulnerable sectors of society. She particularly also called for the enhancement of laws that protect children in their homes, online and in their communities and to bring perpetrators of these heinous crimes to justice.


As an ardent advocate and hands-on champion of social justice, she reminded the august Assembly that preventing child sexual abuse is an emergency which is doable and requires a multisectoral approach.


Thus, she appealed to governments, international organizations and civil society to support parents; help teach positive parenting skills, and increase awareness among every stakeholder to build a strong coalition to combat child sexual exploitation, abuse, and violence.


Concluding, Her Excellency, First Lady Fatima Bio commended the General Assembly for declaring the 18th November as World Day for the Prevention of, and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence, adding that it was a bold step toward the raising of increasing awareness of Child Sexual Abuse with regularity and on a global scale.


First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio also seized the opportunity to remind the Member States of the UN of Sierra Leone‘s bid for membership of the UN Security Council in the non-Permanent category for the 2024-25 term, highlighting the commitment to pursue similar objectives and priorities.



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