Empowering Entrepreneurs and Enabling Movement: Watu’s Impact in Remote Sierra Leone


The economic ripple effects of Watu’s bike financing program are substantial. By facilitating the movement of people and goods, local businesses can thrive. Increased access to markets allows farmers and artisans to sell their products more widely, which boosts local commerce.

By Mohamed Sheriff Bah

In many remote areas of Sierra Leone, access to transportation remains a significant challenge. With roads often unsuitable for cars and trucks, motorcycles have become the lifeline for these communities. Growing up in Kamakwie, I vividly remember walking every Friday, about 12 miles, to our dad’s farm in Tambi Village and then back to Kamakwie on Sunday to prepare for school on Monday. This weekly journey instilled in me a deep understanding of the importance of accessible transportation and inspired me to work on initiatives that can profoundly impact lives and livelihoods.

Bridging the Accessibility Gap

Sierra Leone’s rugged terrain and underdeveloped infrastructure have long hindered access to remote areas. Many villages can only be reached by foot or motorcycle. Watu Credit recognized this gap and saw an opportunity to make a profound impact. By offering affordable financing options for motorcycles, Watu Credit is enabling young entrepreneurs to purchase bikes and start transportation businesses.

Creating Employment Opportunities

The ability to own a motorcycle opens up numerous employment opportunities for the youth. They can offer transport services, delivering people and goods across challenging terrains where traditional vehicles cannot go. This not only provides a stable income for the bike owners but also stimulates local economies by improving access to markets, healthcare, and education.

Enhancing Community Mobility

For communities, the presence of reliable motorcycle transport means improved mobility and access to essential services. Market vendors can transport their goods more efficiently, healthcare providers can reach patients in distant locations, and students can travel to schools that were previously inaccessible. This enhanced mobility fosters a more connected and dynamic community.

At my ranch, 25 miles from Makeni, almost all the youths have a TVS Motor Company motorcycle also known as Okada and a smartphone, the majority of which are financed by Watu. There’s a 4G Africell Sierra Leone network right in my cattle fence known in Fulani as “DINGIRAH.” In another article, I’ll shed light on how access to technology and digital tools are shaping agricultural practices in Sierra Leone.

Cattle Ranch

Contributing to Economic Growth

The economic ripple effects of Watu’s bike financing program are substantial. By facilitating the movement of people and goods, local businesses can thrive. Increased access to markets allows farmers and artisans to sell their products more widely, which boosts local commerce. Additionally, the increased availability of transportation can attract further investment and development into these remote areas.

A Personal Motivation

Witnessing the transformative impact of this initiative motivates me to continue my work at Watu. Seeing young entrepreneurs take charge of their futures, communities gaining improved access to vital services, and the overall upliftment of remote areas through economic growth is incredibly inspiring. It reinforces the belief that with the right support and opportunities, significant positive change is achievable.

Watu contact

Watu Credit‘s bike financing program is more than just a means to own a motorcycle; it is a vehicle for change. By empowering entrepreneurs and enabling the movement of people and goods in Sierra Leone’s remote places, Watu is making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and the broader community. This initiative exemplifies how targeted financial solutions can drive sustainable development and economic growth, paving the way for a brighter future for all.

You can get a motorbike and a smartphone in just a few hours, and you will be ready to make money. Visit our office at Watu House, 7 Sir Samuel Lewis Road or call us on 033500001.


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