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Sierra Leonean DV winner pursues the ‘American dream’ as New York Technology company owner

Alhaji Nyallay, 32, won the DV “lottery” eight years ago, allowing him to relocate to America.However, Nyallay’s life had been far from fortunate before this opportunity. “I was born into a low-income household,” Nyallay explained of his background. Nyallay’s mother had to work long hours after his father died when he was just two years old to

Sierra Leonean DV winner pursues the ‘American dream’ as New York Technology company owner Read More »

SLCB closes 2021 in grandeur with Le350bn in revenue and Le134bn in pretax profits

Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB), the country’s leading commercial bank, ended 2021 with the highest banking revenue ever, with over Le350 billion and a pretax profit of more than Le134 billion. The introduction of new banking products, such as e-Banking or ‘We Yone Internet Banking,” “Me Yone Mobile App,” “We Yone Mobile Teller,” “Corporate Banking,” AFCON,

SLCB closes 2021 in grandeur with Le350bn in revenue and Le134bn in pretax profits Read More »

AdvocAid condemns death of 17-month old baby in police detention

AdvocAid has condemned the tragic loss of the life of a 17-month-old baby who died in a police cell in Makeni, Boxing Bay while being detained with her mother. The deceased baby’s mother had been arrested on allegations of stealing a handbag. AdvocAid has repeatedly called for pregnant women and women with young children not to

AdvocAid condemns death of 17-month old baby in police detention Read More »

President Bio Commissions TRANSCO CLSG Interconnections in Bo Switches on 225 kV Power Line in Kenema

President Julius Maada Bio has formally turned on the Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea, CLSG, the Electricity Interconnection line at Teloma, which will supply power to the country’s south and east. According to TRANSCO CLSG, the regional power interconnection facility owner and transmission service provider, the project in Sierra Leone entails the construction of approximately 530km of

President Bio Commissions TRANSCO CLSG Interconnections in Bo Switches on 225 kV Power Line in Kenema Read More »