CARITAS Promotes Women’s Leadership Through Radio


In some areas of the world, radios play an essential role in promoting development and raising awareness on a wide range of issues, from health to human rights. The radio waves can also be a powerful tool for promoting women’s leadership, as demonstrated by the Radio Nyapui (meaning ‘woman’ in the local idiom) station in Sierra Leone. The station was established in December 2021, and is run by SEND Sierra Leone, a partner of Trócaire (the Caritas Internationalis member organisation in Ireland).

Published on World Radio Day, 13 February 2023.

“Our radio is an important tool for so many women in Sierra Leone today,” explains Radio Nyapui director Fatima Sesay. “All kinds of women listen to it: from those in careers to schoolgirls. Through our programming we are slowly trying to close the gap of women’s lower participation in society.”

The contribution of this small radio station is indeed crucial in a country like Sierra Leone, which is ranked 181st out of 191 in the Gender Development Index 2021. “Radio Nyapui offers women spaces and programmes dedicated to different issues that can empower them and promote their empowerment,” adds Sesay.

In fact, broadcasts include training in agriculture and educational courses of various kinds, with specific focuses such as the ‘health clinic’ programme on health issues, particularly of women. The radio station also frequently invites government representatives to discuss topics of interest to women and inform them about their rights.

“One of our priorities is to show stories of women who have succeeded in different areas, so that they can encourage other women. Furthermore, we want to offer women a space to make their voices heard,’ adds the radio station director. This last element is very important in fostering women’s participation in the political arena and their access to leadership roles.

Currently, in Sierra Leone, women account for only 12 per cent of the parliamentary seats and four of the 32 seats in the executive. A situation that is expected to change soon, thanks to the 2021 Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Bill, which after months of parliamentary debate was finally approved by Parliament on 15 November 2022. The bill sets a 30 per cent quota for women’s participation in government, both in public administration and in seats in parliament and local councils.

“This year general consultations will be held in Sierra Leone and there are some women candidates for mayor. Radio Nyapui offers them slots, both to support them and give them a chance to spread their election messages, and also to show other women how we can be fully active and involved in politics,” says Fatima Sesay.

The radio station allows those who wish to do so to record broadcasts in the station’s studios, but also makes broadcasts in local communities, so that all women can make their voices heard. “Our radio wants to give all women the opportunity to voice their concerns, discuss issues that affect them, and inspire each other to create a more equal society,” says Fatima Sesay, noting how in just one year of operation Radio Nyapui has contributed to the empowerment of thousands of women. “In Africa and in many areas of the world, radio and the media, in general, have a crucial role to play in promoting women’s leadership and development.


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