January 28, 2023

Director Nelson to unveil Salone’s first feature film at Profit-Focused Industry Event: “Fatima My Bride” Shot entirely on iPhone

By Ophaniel Gooding Acclaimed movie director, Tony Morgan, also known as Nelson Spykes, is set to unveil Sierra Leone’s first feature film, “Fatima My Bride,” at a film industry networking event on 28 January 2023. The event, which will take place at Paradise Garden in Lumley Beach, is focused on discussing ways to make money […]

Director Nelson to unveil Salone’s first feature film at Profit-Focused Industry Event: “Fatima My Bride” Shot entirely on iPhone Read More »

Supreme Court Upholds Districts Block System for 2023 Elections in Sierra Leone

The grand and bustling courtroom was filled with anticipation as the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone prepared to issue its ruling on the type of electoral system to be used in the upcoming June 2023 elections. The nation held its breath as the court deliberated for three hours before finally issuing its decision: the elections

Supreme Court Upholds Districts Block System for 2023 Elections in Sierra Leone Read More »